Fathers are shapers not molders. As men, who choose to be fathers, everything we do and say becomes the rich soil that our children draw from to grow into their own full potential. But no one handed us a book on how to get this fathering thing right – right? We borrowed from our fathers or father figures – we kept what worked for us and tossed out or changed what didn’t work. We get it wrong more than we get it right – and most of us know that – we accept it.
Here at The Men’s List we’re celebrating Fathers and the art of Fathering and in time for Fathers’ day and in honor of inclusion, equality, diversity and love, here is our Top 5 for books on Fathering.
1. Black Fatherhood: Trials & Tribulations, Testimony & Triumph by Khalid Akil White and Thurman V. White Jr., October 2016
Khalid Akil White is a father and a professor of African American studies, and he actively challenges the negative stereotype of the “Black Father.” We celebrate his use of personal stories and cultural context against the stereotype of the absentee Father, replaced with tales of Fathering well against harmful stereotypes. Enjoy these beautiful stories of struggle and triumph!
2. Forty Fathers: Men Talk about Parenting by Tessa Lloyd and Peter Mansbridge, October 2019
Forty Canadian fathers open up about both their own fathers and their deeply personal parenting experiences, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, writer Lawrence Hill, academic Niigaan Sinclair, athlete Trevor Linden, restaurateur Vikram Vij, anthropologist Wade Davis, musician Alan Doyle, artist Robert Bateman and philanthropist Rick Hansen. Parenting viewpoints and stories offered from other fathers; candid and vulnerable.
3. Dads for Daughters: How Fathers Can Give their Daughters a Better, Brighter, Fairer Future – Jan 28 2020 by Michelle Travis
An inspiring view of the opportunity Fathers have, not only to raise daughters who are confident and empowered, but to become their ally in the world. An offering of steps, fathers’ stories and helpful resources, to help fathers address inequities in the world, to build a brighter future for our daughters.
4. Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Your Child’s Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence: (Parenting Tips from a Clinical Psychologist and Relationships Expert) Paperback – Sept. 15 2019 by John Duffy
This #1 bestseller offers a valuable update on parenting the New Teen with an empathetic guide to the emotional overwhelm and psychological suffering our children are experiencing earlier than ever before. Empowering for parents, by understanding and having empathy for our child, we can again become our child’s ally and guide.
5. The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired Hardcover – Jan. 7 2020 by Daniel J Siegel
Best selling authors Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson leverage scientific predictors of child well-being into four simple steps that every parent can offer, so their child feels the ‘Four S’s: Safe, Seen, Soothed, Secure’. We appreciate the message that mistakes and missteps are repairable and that it’s never too late to mend broken trust, and the universality of healthy emotional landscapes in children.
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sweet list. I would add one called – Father Right From the Start by Jack Heinowitz. There’s a shortage of good books out there to support New Dads to come into parenthood & the initiation it is.