450 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ, USA
817 Garden St suite #200, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Grief is a natural response to any type of loss, including romantic breakups. It can be especially difficult when you lose a significant other, even if that person is alive and well.
It’s common to hear people say that breaking up is like dying.
And in some ways, it is.
Like death, a relationship breakup can be sudden and unexpected. Or it can come after a long period of decline, much like a terminal illness. Either way, it can bring on intense feelings of sadness, loss, and grief.
According to Adam Borland, PsyD, “Both experiences may create feelings of shock. You may feel a sense of disbelief immediately afterward. You are likely to feel a range of emotions — fear, anger, confusion and loneliness. Plans and goals you thought were set in stone may become uncertain, which can create anxiety.
Read MoreLoss is a universal human experience that ironically none of us are ever prepared or taught how to navigate. Our culture has a bias towards birth, re-generation and joy despite the fact that we will all experience death, separation and grief in our life. For men loss and grieving are particularly profound as we lack the vocabulary and awareness to know what we are feeling and we lack the tools and knowledge to mourn in healthy ways.
These are our top 5 books recommendations to help you, or someone you love, with loss and grief.
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