817 Garden St suite #200, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Few things affect a man’s confidence level as severely as erectile dysfunction. No matter how aware a man might be that occasional struggles with ED are common, it’s still a tough thing to overcome. Getting your confidence back after an ongoing problem with ED is especially challenging, but it’s not impossible
If you or your partner has had a bout of erectile dysfunction, what do you need to know about repairing your confidence?
First, it’s important to understand that ED is often connected to anxiety. Feeling anxious can cause problems and those problems can cause someone to experience even more anxiety. It creates a vicious cycle that feeds off of itself and erodes confidence.
Read MoreIt’s a common issue in relationships. One person wants to have sex more frequently than the other. To enjoy a healthy, happy relationship that’s fulfilling for both partners, each must communicate about their desires and find balance.
It’s also important to realize that in long-term relationships sexual desire will ebb and flow. Learning to navigate the ups and downs of your sex drive and finding sync with your partner is one of the keys to a happy, fulfilling romantic relationship.
Sex Drive Variations Are Common in Relationships
Popular culture would have everyone believe that relationships are only good when both partners are in perfect sync sexually.
Read MoreImpotency and erectile dysfunction are often considered a problem as men age, but the truth is it can happen at any time. Many factors contribute to a man’s ability to perform sexually. Many of them are associated with physical issues, but mental and emotional well-being also play an important role.
If you or your partner has struggled with erectile dysfunction, it’s important to address all of the potential causes. Once a physical issue is treated or ruled out, dealing with the emotional issues linked to ED is an essential part of creating a healthy sex life.
Read MoreThe good things. The bad things. The weird and wonderful things. Whatever it may be, topics of sex and sexuality are fatally underdiscussed by most guys. For many years of our lives, sex and our understanding of ourselves as sexual beings seems to hold a mysterious, vaulted nature until that split second when we’re suddenly supposed to be experienced, know who we are and what we want.
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