“The only time I have problems is when I sleep.” — Tupac Shakur
Ideally we are asleep for about thirty percent of our lives and what sleep scientists and researchers understand that many of us struggle to grasp is that sleep is as essential to our health as eating and exercise. Most adults are under-slept, chronically and while there are all kinds of sleeping aids, pills and remedies to address this society-wide sleep shortage – science will tell you that forming and sustaining good sleep habits is the most effective approach for a good night of rest. Here are our Top 5 books to help you develop those rest – full habits.”
1. End the Insomnia Struggle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep by Colleen Ehrnstrom ABPP and Alisha L. Brosse PhD. 2016
This is a one-stop, sleep shop in a book. Tackling insomnia and anxiety-rooted thinking head on End The Insomnia Struggle gives you evidence-based research, pointers and practical tips – everything you need to fall asleep, stay sleeping and wake up feeling like a rested superhuman.
2. Sink Into Sleep: A Step-by-Step Workbook for Reversing Insomnia by Judith Davidson PhD. 2012
Want a proven formula for descending into deep, restorative sleep – this is it. Sink into Sleep is a step-by-step, easy to follow format which allows the reader to learn and practice the same effective program that patients in Davidson’s sleep disorder and insomnia treatment clinic do. Although Sink into Sleep is anchored in the science of how we sleep, the text is calming and validating filled with actual sleep client testimonials and simple worksheets.
3. Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day: A Doctor’s Guide to Solving Your Sleep Problems by Robert S. Rosenberg DO FCCP 2014
Often the key to enjoying great sleep is understanding what the root issues and behaviours are that contribute to poor sleep. Sounds obvious right? In this book, Dr. Robert S. Rosenberg helps you source those issues and provides you with specific answers so you can start greeting each day feeling invigorated and restored from nights of deep, enjoyable sleep.
4. Goodnight Mind: Turn Off Your Noisy Thoughts and Get a Good Night’s Sleep by Colleen E. Carney PhD. and Rachel Manber PhD. 2013
Simple to read, pleasurable and based on the latest, evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Goodnight Mind takes on our over-indexing on cyclical, anxiety-based thinking and it’s impact on your ability to sleep well. This book is the work of of two psychologists who specialize in sleep disorders and features many useful tactics and researched findings into how you can grab control of your thoughts at bedtime, and finally get some sleep.
5. The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time by Arianna Huffington 2016
In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington lays out the relevant and latest research on what happens when we sleep and dream. Huffington also takes a hard look at our relationship to technology and big Pharma’s push of sleeping pills as the predominant agents of our sleep disruption. With suggestions and tactics from leading sleep scientists, Huffington lays out a strategy for creating great sleep habits and making sleep our new superpower.