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Do you feel ‘stuck’, and helpless, every time when you have to take a stand, take the reigns of life in your hands?
Do you find it hard to take authority, in your job or personal life; do you find it difficult to express your desires and wishes, and assert your rights?
Do you sometimes feel fearful, young and alone — not a man but a boy inside — when it is ”you against the world”; when it is up to you to make things happen?
Do you easily feel intimidated by men who seem stronger and more aggressive than you — men with authoritative presence?
Do you feel scared by them, and by all those who seem stronger than you, those who seem primed and ready to take on the world…while you feel too fearful and too busy protecting your true self from being seen by the cruel, harsh world — way too busy, to be effective in your life?
Do others tend to brush you aside, and dismiss you as insignificant, while you are trying, so desperately trying, to express yourself, say what’s on your mind, and be the man you know you must be — a man of substance, a solid man, a man who has a lot to say; whose opinion matters; whose voice is worth hearing?
Do you even feel you have a voice?
If you can reply ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, you’ve come to the right place…
Yes –not only is there hope, but there also is restoration. There is peace and strength available to you; and, no matter what your age or background, you can feel alive again. You can feel strong again.
Even if you’ve never felt that way before…
You can have a voice again.
Get in touch and book your free discovery session if you want to find out how to begin your personal journey of stepping into freedom of being the man you want to be.